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Doctorate Program in Mass Communications project

Implementation years: 2008–2014

In 2008, thanks to the project of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation, the first doctoral program in Ukraine was created. It was based on the philosophy of postgraduate education typical for Western countries.

At that time, no University in Ukraine had postdoctoral students in terms of the European academic approach. Jointly with the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, the Foundation launched a pilot project for the transition of higher education to a three-stage system: bachelor – master – doctorate. The first postdoctoral students studied majoring in Journalism and Sociology.

Thus, it was possible to bring Ukrainian science in the field of mass communications closer to Western standards. As well as create a scientific environment in Ukrainian universities that can quickly respond to the needs of the media market. As a result, the country receives specialists who conduct high-quality research of the market itself, track trends in media development in the country and abroad. This also made it possible to quickly introduce these changes to educational standards and train journalists at higher education institutions to meet the new requirements for the profession.