Campaign Rinat Akhmetov to Children

Launch date: 2001
On 16 November 2001, Rinat Akhmetov and his friend, famous composer Igor Krutoy had the first meeting with children from boarding schools and children’s homes. Since that time, the tradition of kindness and personal participation in kids’ lives did not stop, becoming Campaign Rinat Akhmetov to Children.
With every year, the campaign was growing in size and becoming brighter. Children from orphanages, boarding schools, family-type children’s homes and adoptive families were receiving New Year’s greetings from Rinat Akhmetov himself or, on his behalf, from the Foundation’s staff, gifts and the belief in miracle and the opportunity to develop their abilities and talents.
In addition, over 50 family-type children’s homes received help from Rinat Akhmetov under this campaign since 2001, including assistance with purchasing the housing. Material assistance was also provided to 10 hospitals and 20 boarding institutions. 1000,000 children have participated in the Campaign "Rinat Akhmetov for Children" in the last 5 years.