Hotline 0800509001

"Happiness for parents is to see their child hear and smile": Katya, a three-year-old from Odesa, received modern hearing aids from Rinat Akhmetov Foundation


Katiusha, a three-year-old from Odesa, lives with cerebral palsy After a seizure and a long stay in intensive care, the girl was diagnosed with hearing problems. The examinations led to the conclusion that she needed hearing prosthetics Katia received state-of-the-art hearing aids from Rinat Akhmetov Foundation that are adjusted to the child's characteristics and needs. 

"It is a great happiness for parents to see their child react, look for the sound and smile. Thank you very much! Thanks to the devices, she will hear, understand and develop better," Mariia, the girl's mother, said.

Hearing aids compensate for a child's hearing loss, and they can hear normal sounds in much the same way as children without hearing impairments. After fitting the devices, the child needs to adapt to the new sound, and then work with a sign language teacher to develop speech. 

"These are comfort-level devices made in Denmark. The sound is of good quality. Thanks to the devices, the child will catch sounds. Therefore, the child will be able to develop 2-3 times faster and will start talking on her own if she is trained," Vladyslav Ustianskyi, a surgeon at the Hearing Centre, explained.

Hearing assistance under Rinat Akhmetov to Children. I Can Hear Now project can be provided to children with hearing impairments under the age of 7 who live or have lived in territorial communities in the areas of hostilities, occupation or encirclement.


If there is a child among your relatives or friends who needs hearing prosthetics, please call the toll-free hotline 0 (800) 509 001 ( from Monday to Friday) or write to the Foundation's messenger