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A new Blogger Camp summer shift from Rinat Akhmetov Foundation for children affected by war has started


A new summer camp shift has started in the Transcarpathian region as part of Rinat Akhmetov to Children. Peaceful holidays for children of Ukraine project. As always, young Ukrainians under the age of 18 came to the Blogger Camp. They are united by a common experience: each of them saw the war up close.

These are, in particular, children who lost their parents during the war and those who live in the territory where active hostilities are taking place. They are also children from the de-occupied territories and those who have suffered from hostilities. Some of them survived illegal trafficking to Russia. There are also children from foster families and family-type children's homes, children of guardians and adoptive parents.

Children need high-quality rest and recreation and equally high-quality psychological support. The psychologists working with the participants of the shift have been trained under the War Trauma programme developed by Rinat Akhmetov Foundation.

The Blogger Camp sessions are always a bright holiday with outdoor activities and interesting blogging workshops. Through daily creative activities, children acquire practical skills that will help them get to know themselves better and choose their own life's work.

Over 18 years, more than 5 million Ukrainian children have received support under Rinat Akhmetov to Children programme. More: