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Over a Thousand of Kyiv Citizens and Guests Undergone a Free TB and Cancer Screening


Over a thousand of people have been screened by means of modern mobile digital roentgenophotography device during the promo event organized by Rinat Akhmetov’s Foundation for Development of Ukraine and held in European Village under the Peoples Friendship Arch, Kyiv. As soon as examined, every comer could get an advice of a phthisiatrician. During the last week of EURO-2012, 423 women have also received consultation provided by breast physicians of Kyiv City Cancer Center in the framework of the Foundation’s promo event.


“Just one week of an active work made it possible for 1,500 Kyiv citizens and guests to undergo tuberculosis and breast cancer screening.We are still having calls from people willing to be examined. That is why we are going to organize similar promo events using cutting-edge digital equipment in future. This autumn we are planning to launch a mobile system, the so-called ‘maternity welfare clinic on wheels’, where women would be able to have their mammary glands screened and do some analyses. Also they would be able to receive consultation by breast physicians and gynecologists”, sums up Director of Rinat Akhmetov’s Foundation for Development of Ukraine Anatoliy Zabolotny.




Every year about 40,000 Ukrainians become ill with active form of tuberculosis, and over 7 thousand of them die. About 16,500 women are diagnosed with the breast cancer annually, and 2,000 die during the first year of the beginning of treatment. Preventive examinations and exposure of such diseases as tuberculosis and cancer at an early stage may help saving their lives and give chance to complete recovery.