Implementation of Monitoring and Evaluation system Program “Stop TB in Ukraine"
To promote the development of monitoring and evaluation system in the TB to evaluate effectiveness of TB programs, implementation of international standards of TB case care and management approaches in the TB sphere.
To make the objective information about the implementation of international recommendations in Ukraine and the TB epidemic publicly available so that all stakeholders could use for making informed management decisions.
To develop a new tool for the monitoring visits at all levels, which will ensure the validity and reliability of data, and help to achieve the targets of different National TB Programme components.
To develop and start out the online resource for monitoring and evaluation of all TB activities implemented in Ukraine on the basis of the web site .
To organize comprehensive external review of the National TB Programme in Ukraine assisted by the international WHO experts.
Results for 2013:
Checklists for monitoring visits improved and tested in three pilot regions (Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk and Odessa):
- assessment indicators point system added into checklists, which avoids subjectivity and gives the ability to provide comparison between regions and within districts, to identify problem areas in various TB spheres etc.
- developed a checklist for primary healthcare, which allows to control the TB outpatient treatment;
- developed a checklist for pharmmanagement and pharmacovigilance, which allows to evaluate this component, to adjust and control processes of ordering, using storage and circulation of drugs.
Results for 2014:
In August 2014 based on web site there was launched Ukraine's first online resource of tracking progress in TB control at national and regional levels, which comprise:
- analysis of the trends in TB epidemiology in the world, Europe and Ukraine till the 2014;
- analysis of the National TB Programme of 2012 - 2016 years implementation in 2013;
- analysis of the international