Rinat Akhmetov Humanitatian Center’s support saves more than one million lives

Their life is a constant struggle against asthma episodes, and only daily medication can help to breathe deeply. However, the medications are not available to everyone. Small Matvii from Donetsk faced the misfortune of lacking vital medications. The boy got asthma when he was two years old. Since then, he constantly needs medications to block the attacks. The doctors prescribed expensive treatment, but the family did not have the opportunity to purchase all the necessary. Rinat Akhmetov Humanitarian Center helped to provide the child with the three-month supply of medications. Now the boy can not only breathe freely, but also do sports.
“Thanks to Rinat Leonidovych my son lives, smiles and has fun. Besides, the child is no longer afraid of physical activity, Matvii is successfully doing judo. Thank you for such an important help!” Natalia Smirnova, Matvii's mother, said.
Rinat Akhmetov Humanitarian Center’s project “Medications for Children” has been in action for two years already, providing Donbas children with severe chronic diseases with vital medications. Today more than 3,000 medication sets were issued, almost half of which are anti-asthmatics.
“Since 2015, thanks to “Medications for Children” project little Donbas residents were issued sets of insulin, 740 visual blood glucose test strips to monitor blood sugar level, 1,279 anticonvulsants and 1,126 sets of anti-asthmatic medications”, says Iryna Temerko, the Head of “Targeted Assistance” programme of Rinat Akhmetov Humanitarian Center.
The project “Medications for children” provides help to children living on the uncontrolled territory of Donbas, as well as to children from the families of internally displaced people who moved to peaceful territories of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. The medications are issued in pharmacies of Kramatorsk and Mariupol and Bakhmut.