Hotline 0800509001

All sub-recipients of the Advocacy, Communication and Social Mobilization component of the “Stop TB in Ukraine” Program have been selected


Dear colleagues and partners!

 On behalf of the Rinat Akhmetov’s Foundation for Development of Ukraine we would like to inform you that all sub-recipients of the Advocacy, Communication and Social Mobilization component of the “Stop TB in Ukraine” Program with the financial support of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria have been selected to implement the Program according to the guidelines.

The “Advocacy” component - NGO “Intellectual Perspective” - Project Manager - Roman Vybranovskiy.

The NGO “Intellectual Perspective” started its activities on September 1, 2011. During this period, the preliminary assessment of the situation was conducted by means of pre-monitoring visits to the following oblasts, including the content analysis of media publications in 2011: Nikolaev, Odessa, Kharkov, Lvov, Dnepropetrovsk, Kiev and Donetsk. The round tables on TB control were held for stakeholders in Lvov, Nikolaev, Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov, Donetsk oblasts and Kiev city, serving as a basis for establishing the cooperation between doctors, officials, journalists and NGO representatives. Based on the results of the round tables the guidelines with regard to plans of advocacy interventions for each region were developed.
In the above regions a competition of advocacy projects for NGOs was announced.

The “Communication” component - NGO “Labor and Health Social Initiatives” (LHSI) - Project Manager - Elena Svyatyuk.

The NGO “Labor and Health Social Initiatives” started its activities on October 13, 2011. During this time the competition was held for selection of 14 regional coordinators, which in November-December began their activity in the regions. For them, the training in communication was arranged in Kiev. The development of the communication strategy is finalized, it will include all information activity under the “Stop TB in Ukraine” Program and the activities of other partners. The two-day training in social issues was arranged for journalists, which included the issues related to TB control coverage. A webinar for student journalists in Kiev and Kharkov was arranged to provide for the attendance of the event, held on December 6, 2011 at the following addresses: Kiev, conference room of the training center “Kimo” 1-3, Frunze St., (metro Kontraktovaya) and Kharkov, Business Center “Proton”, 24, Boris Khmelnitsky St.

The “Social Mobilization” component - UCF “The Coalition of AIDS Service Organizations” - Project Manager - Olga Tsviliy.

 The sub-recipient started its activities on October 3, 2011 and held competitions on the relevant areas of work and selected the sub-sub-recipients:

1. Activity area: Work with people released from prisons and in need of continuing the treatment in the civilian sector:
 The winners are: UCF “Initiative for Life” (Nikolaev oblast), LCF “Anti-AIDS” (Lugansk oblast), KOCF “Parus” (Kharkov oblast), Kherson Oblast CF “Mongoose” (Kherson oblast), CF “The Light of Hope” (Poltava oblast), NGO “The Road of Life” (Dnepropetrovsk oblast), Zaporozhie oblast branch of UCO “TheAll-Ukrainian network of PLWH” (Zaporozhie oblast), Ternopol non-government organization Center of spiritual and psychological support “Dzherela” (Ternopol oblast).

2. Activity area: Work with population groups at risk of tuberculosis.
 The winners are: The Republican Public Organization “Youth NGO “Your Victory” (the AR of Crimea), Dnepropetrovsk Oblast NGO “Perekrestok” (Dnepropetrovsk oblast), Donetsk Oblast Charitable Organization “Rassvet” (Donetsk oblast), CF “Salus” (Lvov oblast), CF “Ozhidaniya” (Zaporozhie oblast), NGO “Victory Fund “Life” (Kiev oblast), ICF “Vertical” (Kiev city), Kirovograd Oblast Charitable Organization “Open Heart” (Kirovograd oblast), LCF “Step into the future” (Lugansk oblast), Charitable NGO “Movement to Support Former Prisoners in Ukraine “Preodolenie” (Nikolaev oblast), Kherson Oblast CF “Mongoose” (Kherson oblast), Kharkov oblast branch of UCO “TheAll-Ukrainian network of PLWH” (Kharkov oblast), CO “The united non-governmental organizations of Odessa oblast “Together for life” (Odessa oblast).

3. Activity area: Work with the Roma population on tuberculosis control.
The winner: Roma Fund Chiricli. The activity of about 60 Roma mediators in 13 regions is envisaged. Major efforts will be focused on the motivation of Roma to the diagnosis of TB.

Starting from December 1, 2011 the All-Ukrainian TB hotline (0800 50 30 80) commenced its work. It is managed by a sub-recipient of the Rinat Akhmetov’s Foundation for Development of Ukraine the UCF “The Foundation for the prevention of chemical dependency and AIDS”. The sub-recipient’s activity envisages provision of TB counseling by phone 800 503 080, online counseling via the website, Skype tuberkuloz_ukr and ICQ 382285483, which opens up more opportunities for getting the information by many Internet users.

On December 27, 2011 a new website was opened, which will contain a lot of useful information on TB related issues.