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‘We do not discuss war, it is not worth remembering’ - the third shift was open in the camp ‘Albatross’


On August 10, the third shift was open in the camp ‘Albatross’, which is located in Strelkovoye village (Kherson region). Almost 130 children participating in the project of the Rinat Akhmetov Humanitarian Center ‘Peaceful Summer for Donbass Children‘ arrived to the camp located on the shore of the Azov Sea.

‘We do not discuss war, it is not worth remembering. Here we can enjoy the sea and communication with cool counselors. At the end of the day we get tired and sleep on a clothesline. The only thing, we are distressed for our parents,” a 9-year-old Gleb, an IDP from Gorlovka, said.

In the camp ‘Albatross’, the children from the war zone can not only improve their health and have a fun, but also undergo psychological rehabilitation. To do so, the experienced psychologists will work with them. Using play activities, master classes and art therapy they will help children to cope with the trauma of war. In the camp there are three psychologists from the Humanitarian Center, they each completed a training program ‘Trauma of War‘.

‘There have been created all conditions for every child to recover and adapt to the civilian life. We conduct art and sand therapy, use various techniques to heal bodies and souls of the children,’ Valeria Volkova, a psychologist, said.

Over 3000 children from the zone of military conflict have already visited children’s camps within the framework of the project ‘Peaceful Summer for Donbass Children‘. The project is held annually over the last 3 years.

‘It is very important for Donbass children to have a rest in a peaceful and friendly atmosphere, be able to communicate not only with age-mates but also with adults – those who will understand and support them. ‘Peaceful Summer’ continues, this year the number of children rested in the best camps in Ukraine will reach 500,’ Andrei Khvorostyanko, programs and projects manager of the Rinat Akhmetov Humanitarian Center, summarized.