Medications for Donbas children

February 11 is the World Day of the Sick. This is another reason to draw attention to the problems that the sick people have to overcome.
According to the United Nations Development Program, which was revealed in early 2018, Ukraine's health-care expenditures are the lowest among European countries. The bulk of the budget allocated to hospitals goes to health care workers’ salaries and payment for utility services. There is almost nothing left for medications and equipment.
It is particularly tough on the residents of Eastern Ukraine, where 3.8 million people do not have access to the necessary medical care and medications because of military actions.
The situation is especially crucial for children with epilepsy, asthma and diabetes. For such children, taking medications on time is often equivalent to saving their lives. With the outbreak of war, many families with seriously ill children have been left face to face with the disaster. The state programs of providing medications do not work on the non-government controlled territory. Rinat Akhmetov Humanitarian Center got to help such families.
“The basic goal of the project is the regular providing the children with severe chronic diseases with the necessary medications. To help such children to keep the disease in the remission, not let the disease progress, and especially to prevent the child from becoming disabled, anticonvulsant and anti-asthmatic medications, test strips for diabetics are issued,” Maryna Sidorova, a specialist of the “Medications for Children” project, says. “Thanks to the “Medications for Children” project, 1,278 children have already received help.”
How to get assistance under the “Medications for Children” project?
All children under 14 living in non-government-controlled territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, as well as children from families of internally displaced people can receive medical assistance. The main direction of assistance is providing anti-asthmatics and anticonvulsants.
To get medications you need:
- Contact the Humanitarian Center’s hotline 0-800-509-001 and leave an application.
- Answer the call of the Humanitarian Center’s employee and find out what documents should be submitted and in what pharmacy the medications can be obtained.
- Get the medications in the pharmacy, presenting the necessary set of documents. Healthcare products are issued in pharmacies of Mariupol, Kramatorsk and Bakhmut.