The Humanitarian Centre issued more than 3,200 sets of necessary medications under the project “Medications for children”.

The number of children with epilepsy is growing in our country. According to the Ministry of Health, today there are 168,230 children with disabilities in Ukraine and almost 100 thousand of them have pathologies of the nervous system. Moreover, the children who have not received the necessary treatment, may suffer serious mental disorders (delusions, hallucinations, wild mood swings). Most patients who have passed the necessary treatment on time can be active members of the society - they are socially adapted and employed. A particularly acute issue is the treatment of children with such symptoms in Donbas. As a result of hostilities, many families have no means of living, let alone expensive treatment.
The trouble happened with a nine-year old Aliosha, a disabled child. His disease became a difficult test for the Mazunin family from Donetsk. The child was diagnosed with a congenital anomaly of the central nervous system. Mother Olena does not work, her husband is a market trader. They have almost no money, and treatment requires a lot of it. The Mazunins appealed for help to the hot line of Rinat Akhmetov Humanitarian Center.
“Anticonvulsants are vital to Aliosha. Without them, his health condition deteriorates sharply. We are very grateful to the Center for the assistance provided,” Olena Volodymyrivna says.
Under the project “Medicinations for Children”, the Humanitarian Center helped the Mazunins to receive anticonvulsant preparations for their baby on a regular basis.
"The “Medicinations for Children” project is aimed at giving medications to children with severe chronic diseases. Sets of medications are given individually, according to the doctor's prescription. Every child receives medications for 3 months ahead. More than 3,200 sets were issued for the entire period of the project's operation,” Maryna Sydorova, a project specialist, said.
How to get medications?
All children aged 0 to 16 living in non-government-controlled territories of Donbas, as well as children from families of internally displaced people, living in controlled territories of Donetsk and Luhansk can receive medical assistance. Medical assistance is provided the children with the following diagnoses: diabetes, bronchial asthma, convulsive and epileptic syndrome, with diagnoses: epilepsy, ICP, hydrocephalus, craniocerebral trauma and the consequences, injury of the central nervous system, encephalitis and meningitis, brain tumours.
How to get medications?
- Contact the Humanitarian Center’s hotline 0-800-509-001 and leave an application.
- Answer the call of the Humanitarian Center’s employee and find out what documents should be submitted.
- Prepare the necessary set of documents.
- To be able to obtain the medications in pharmacies of Mariupol, Bakhmut or Kramatorsk.