The Humanitarian Center saved the life of 12-year-old Angelica

Within the framework of the project ‘Medicines for Children’, the Rinat Akhmetov Humanitarian Center provides drugs for seriously ill children living in the territory of Donbass which is not controlled by Ukraine, as well as for children of IDP families who moved to the peaceful areas of Donetsk and Lugansk regions.
A 12-year-old Angelika, an IDP from Donetsk, has been suffering asthma attacks for many years, but has not received drugs under the state program. After having learned about the project ‘Medicines for Children’, the girl's relatives sought help from the Humanitarian Center and received the necessary drugs to maintain the child's health.
‘Thanks to drugs provided by the Rinat Akhmetov Humanitarian Center we managed to save the life of our granddaughter. We are much obliged! This is a great happiness for us!’ Nina Globina, Angelica's grandmother, says.
Since July of this year, all seriously ill children under the age of 16 can apply for help. Support is provided in the following areas: blood glucose test strips, antiasthmatic drugs, anticonvulsants.
‘The project ‘Medicines for Children’ is primarily aimed at the medical support of sick children during the most important phase of growth and development, when the lack of drugs can adversely affect the child's condition. In total, we have provided around 3000 drug kits’, Igor Khadzhinov, head of the program ‘Targeted Aid’ of the Rinat Akhmetov Humanitarian Center, said.
To receive the necessary drugs for your child it is required:
- To call the hotline of the Rinat Akhmetov Humanitarian Center 0-800-509-001 and leave the request;
- To answer the call of the Center employee, to specify the documents to be submitted and to get drugs in pharmacy;
- To obtain drugs after having presented the required set of documents.
The drugs are distributed in the pharmacies of Kramatorsk, Mariupol and Bakhmut. By proxy, the drugs can be also obtained by the relatives or friends familiar with families with children residing in uncontrolled Ukrainian territories.