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“This support is crucial for me”: the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation helped in the treatment of a gravely injured resident of Pokrovsk



Ihor Vynohradov had two pizzerias in Mariupol, which he reformatted to operate as volunteer ones from the first day of the full-scale war. After evacuating, he opened a facility in Pokrovsk, where some of the products are distributed among those in need. During the shelling of the city, Ihor got many injuries, the nerves in his face and jaw were affected, and he lost hearing in one ear. The Rinat Akhmetov Foundation helped the 49-year-old man by financing the complex treatment.

“Half a year has passed... I still have no strength, even to open a bottle of water. Although, were it not for the facial nerve, you probably wouldn't be able to see that something had happened. I am still being treated, trying to restore my health. And the support from the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation is very important to me”, Ihor admits.

That day, he was at his pizzeria in Pokrovsk when his wife called and said that there had been a hit to the nearby house. Ihor ran to help pull people out of the rubble. The second rocket landed in the hotel building, about 20 meters away from him.

“Immediately my vision dimmed. Next moment, I thought, is that it? Is this the end? I tried to open my eyes – I couldn't. I tried to get up, and failed. The rescuers helped me to stand up, and I went home, because my wife could be there. I saw that there was no emergency suitcase... I went out – there was an ambulance. And I just climbed into it”, Ihor recalls.

According to the doctors, it is a miracle that he managed to survive with such injuries. He's already been through a week in intensive care, and then through ten operations. Now Ihor is trying to restore the injured nerves of the face, jaw, and his hearing. His pizzeria in Pokrovsk operates, despite the shelling, to help people. And he himself firmly believes in Victory.

Within the “Treatment and Rehabilitation of Wounded Adults” program, the Foundation provides aid to residents of Ukraine affected by hostile shelling of residential areas: treatment, rehabilitation, psychological assistance, etc.

If you or someone you know needs help, please write to the Foundation's messenger or call the toll-free hotline at 0 800 509 001 (the line is open from Monday to Friday).