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Rinat Akhmetov to Children. Rehabilitation of Injured Children

Взяти участь у проєкті безкоштовно можуть діти віком до 18 років, які отримали поранення під час бойових дій в Україні після 24 лютого 2022 року.
rehabilitation courses


Launch date: 2016

The Rinat Akhmetov Foundation is the only organization in Ukraine, which provide systemic and comprehensive help to injured children. Realizing that the problem of these children requires a separate approach, the Foundation launched the Rehabilitation of Injured Children project in March 2016.

Thanks to this project, severely injured children are able to undergo rehabilitation at the best sanatoriums of Ukraine, where they can rest and recover, both physically and psychologically, according to individually selected methods. Most of these children need another rehabilitation course, and the Foundation helps them undergo it as well. For children, this process takes a few years, but for many of them, rehabilitation after injuries is for the rest of their lives. 149 rehabilitation courses for injured children have been held.

All children under 18 years of age who were injured during hostilities in Ukraine from February 24, 2022 can undergo rehabilitation.