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Life in the “grey zone”: Humanitarian Center provides aid to the neediest population



Stanytsia Luhanska is one of 85 inhabited localities of the “grey zone”, where people receive food from the Rinat Akhmetov Center. This aid is intended for the neediest population, such as Larysa Andriivna, who lives in Stanytsia with her 9-year-old son. Artem is her honor and comfort. The woman brings her child up alone. The birth of a baby was a miracle and the greatest joy in her life.

“Nothing could prevent my greatest desire to be a mother, – says Larysa Andriivna. – It’s just that I'm terribly scared for him, especially for the last three years, when military actions began. I only worry about him during the bombardment. I myself cannot hide, because I am not able to move well.” 

Larysa Andriivna is a disabled of the first group, like her own twin brother. He also lives in Stanytsia Luhanska with her retired mother Vira Mykolaivna. The 70-year-old woman struggles to help her children and grandson, looks after and cares for them. She goes to the issuing points of the Humanitarian Center to get food packages for the whole family.

“It is a tough time, almost all the funds go to medications” – Vira Mykolaivna says. “So, we are very grateful to Rinat Leonidovych Akhmetov for helping us and many other families in Donbas survive.”

In April, the Rinat Akhmetov Humanitarian Center will issue about 20,000 survival kits intended for the elderly, children, disabled people, single parents and large families.