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“I Can Feel My Body Again”: A 60-Year-Old Volunteer From Orikhiv Underwent a Rehabilitation Course From the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation After Being Injured


“Wake up, you are alive!” — these were the first words that Svitlana Romashko heard in the intensive care unit of Zaporizhzhia regional hospital. She ended up here in July, after enemy shelling of Orikhiv, a town in Zaporizhzhia region. Months of treatment are now behind. The woman recently underwent a rehabilitation course at a sanatorium in Zakarpattia, provided by the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation.

Svitlana does not know which of her friends or doctors called the Foundation and asked to enrol her in this course, but she accepted the offered help with profound gratitude:

“I had a craniocerebral injury. I was unable to see anything with one of my eyes, and the bridge of my nose was torn... And I simply could not feel my body. In the sanatorium, all the procedures were important: massages, swimming pools, and the salt-therapy room. I still have not coughed up that dust... And the gym helped me a lot, including some physical exercises. I could not raise my arm myself, but now I can. Now I am able to walk straighter and I don’t hunch my back,” says Svitlana.

In peaceful life, she worked in social services. During the full-scale war, she also helps others. She was at the humanitarian hub located in a school building when a warning came about an attack by enemy GABs [guided aerial bombs]...

In the hospital, Svitlana many times thought about how she managed to survive. She plans to restore her health and start to help people again.
In the framework of the program Treatment and Rehabilitation of Wounded Adults, the Foundation helps Ukrainians who suffered from enemy shelling of residential areas. In particular, such help includes medical treatment, rehabilitation, psychological assistance, etc.

If you or someone you know needs help, write to the Foundation’s messenger or call the toll-free hotline 0 800 509 001 (the telephone line operates from Monday to Friday).