Hotline 0800509001

I learned to walk again: Maryna from Vinnytsia completed a rehabilitation course from the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation


Maryna had not yet reached the shelter when she heard the whistle of a rocket. Two years after the injury and more than ten surgeries, she was learning to walk again. The Rinat Akhmetov Foundation provided Maryna from Vinnytsia with a course of physical rehabilitation and psychological recovery at a sanatorium in Transcarpathia.

“I learned about the Foundation from a girl who got under shelling that same day. She was here in rehab before and said: “Go, you won’t regret it.” I applied. I’m feeling better - even the scars have smoothed out a bit. I liked aqua gymnastics and massage the most, shares Maryna.

She still takes antidepressants because it’s hard to deal with her emotions after what she went through. That day, a colleague died before her eyes, and she herself forever remembered the first minutes after the explosion, and how worried she was for her children - they were waiting for their mother at home.

According to the sanatorium’s therapist Oksana Fridmanska, Maryna was admitted to the sanatorium more than a year after a very serious mine-explosive injury and a gunshot wound with fractures.

She notes positive dynamics. She visited both pools — the thermal one and the large swimming pool with medicinal water, mud therapy, physiotherapy, and massages.

She was also prescribed aromatherapy and a salt room," the doctor says.

As part of the project "Treatment and Rehabilitation of Wounded Adults", the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation provides assistance to civilian residents of Ukraine who have suffered from shelling. The Fund has provided treatment and rehabilitation assistance to over 11,000 Ukrainians.

If you or someone you know needs help, write to the Foundation’s messenger or call the toll-free hotline 0 800 509 001 (the line is open Monday through Friday).