Congratulations of Rinat Akhmetov on the 15th anniversary of the Foundation
Dear friends!
This year, the Foundation turns 15 years old. Is it too much or too little? This is a lot if you look at the past and evaluate the work done. If you look to the future and evaluate the work that needs to be done, it is certainly not enough.
It was 15 years of very difficult, but at the same time of very important and necessary work. It was 15 years of helping people, helping those in need, helping those whom no one else can help, helping here and now. You accepted the most ambitious challenges: to defeat tuberculosis, to help orphaned children find a loving family, to deliver food to the elderly in the locations of military operations - to our near and dear Donbass. Now you help Ukraine to cope with the epidemic of the coronavirus.
If I am asked how it is possible, I will answer that one good deed gives birth to another. When a person chooses helping others as his life's work, the world becomes a better place.
I have said it many times and will repeat it again: charity is the ability to hear someone else's pain. This is a big heart that knows how to be compassionate. And this is a huge force capable of creation.
Thank you for these 15 years! Thank you for your professionalism and effort, for your dedication and concern.
I sincerely wish you, dear friends, health, peace and prosperity. Remember: what goes from the heart reaches the heart. And may fate always return your kindness and warmth to you!
Best regards, Rinat Akhmetov