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This week launched negotiations between the Global Fund, USAID and WHO/Europe for the implementation of the Phase 2 of the Global Fund grant under "Tuberculosis" component



May 14, 2013, in the framework of the "Stop TB in Ukraine" program that has being implemented by Rinat Akhmetov Foundation for Development of Ukraine, the first meeting of the joint mission of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, USAID and WHO was held in Kyiv to negotiate on the Ukraine’s implementation of the second phase of the Global Fund Round 9 grant under "Tuberculosis" component.


The purpose of the joint mission is to identify priorities that will form the basis for the National TB Program, and will be implemented in the second phase of the Global Fund grant. Nicolas Cantau, Regional Manager of the Global Fund in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, notes: "There are many ideas and various measures to combat TB, but the funding is limited. For example, today we encounter underfunding in MDR-TB treatment and second line TB drugs provision. Therefore, we need to identify priority activities to be covered by the Global Fund in Phase 2".


The objectives of the joint mission also include: to capture the progress and implementation gaps of WHO recommendations after Program review in 2010; to determine the necessary changes in healthcare system in order to improve and expand interventions in TB prevention, control and treatment; to discuss the planned for Phase 2 development of treatment models and their duration; to coordinate the preparation and implementation of Global Fund grant for the second phase, as well as harmonize it with the relevant revised National TB Program.

The visit was designed for two days, May 14-15. On Tuesday, a joint meeting was held with the Principal Recipient of the current phase - Rinat Akhmetov Foundation for Development of Ukraine, the elected by the National Council Principal Recipient for the second phase - the Ukrainian Center for Diseases Control (UCDC), and sub-recipients of the grant. Also, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine hosted a meeting with all stakeholders, the representatives of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, State Service for Socially Dangerous Diseases, National Institute of Phthisiology and Pulmonology.

On May 15, a joint visit was held to a seminar with technical working group in charge of reviewing the National TB Program for 2012-2016. The meeting resulted in discussion on the program priorities, inclusion of key WHO recommendations, and the alignment of priority activities under the Global Fund and the relevant revised National TB program funding.


The joint mission result should be a report summarizing the priority recommendations, implementation steps and indicators marked in the revised National TB Program for 2012-2016 and included in the work plan, budget and performance framework for Phase 2 of the Global Fund grant under TB component.