Rinat Akhmetov provides financial assistance to the families of killed miners
Rinat Akhmetov Humanitarian Center started aid payments to the families of killed and injured miners that suffered in the incident on March 4 at Zasyadko mine in Donetsk. By order of Rinat Akhmetov, 34 families of killed miners will be paid UAH 100,000 each. The total aid of UAH 225,000 will be paid to 16 injured miners, the amount of aid varies upon the severity of injuries.
"Unfortunately, the issue on tax exemption is not solved at the level of Ukrainian government yet. By order of Rinat Akhmetov, Humanitarian Center will increase the amount of payment so that people get the planned aid and do not suffer due to its taxation. These families lost their breadwinners, it is a very important financial support for them, so we will not be waiting for tax exemption issue to be solved by the Cabinet of Ministers, - Rimma Fil, the Coordinator of Rinat Akhmetov Humanitarian Center, emphasised.
For reference, Rinat Akhmetov Foundation has been providing assistance to the families of killed and injured miners for many years. And the first mine that was provided with aid was Zasyadko mine. In August 2006 there was an incident at this mine, and it took away the lives of 26 people. Since that time the Foundation supported 11 Donbas mines in Donetsk, Dzerzhinsk, Makiivka, Krasnodon and Krasny Lyman as part of "Aid in Emergency" program. The total financial aid to the families of killed and injured miners made over UAH 20 mln.