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“Rehabilitation Raises Morale One Hundred Percent”: A Wounded Volunteer From Kherson Underwent a Health Recovery Course From the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation


Andriy Kyseliov from Kherson is 37 years old. During the full-scale war, he devoted himself to volunteering activities: he helped the territorial defence units with equipment, evacuated adults and children, delivered humanitarian aid to the riverine villages of Kherson region. One day, Andriy was waiting for a friend at a fuel station in order to deliver some aid to local people and came under fire. He was seriously injured. Recently, Andriy completed a rehabilitation course at a sanatorium in Zakarpattia, provided by the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation.

“I express my deep respect to the Foundation. They helped my friends a lot. They offered me a rehabilitation course. The best procedure here is a massage. I like the salt therapy room and the pool with thermal waters. It raises morale one hundred percent! The feeling that you are taken care of, and they do take care of you very well here, brings you a positive mood and makes you feel much better,” Andriy shares his impressions.

He remembers the moment when he was wounded and what happened afterwards very well, as if it has just happened.

“A shell hit the fuel station and one person was killed. I was the one most severely wounded, with a serious injury. I had my internal organs injured. I was diagnosed with the torn lung and torn liver. As for external wounds, I had my leg, shoulder, and face injured,” the volunteer recalls.

Andriy underwent several complex operations and spent a month in hospitals in Kherson, Mykolaiv, Odesa... Currently, the man is recovering, and after the rehabilitation course, he plans to return to his activities and continue to help people.

In the framework of the program Treatment and Rehabilitation of Wounded Adults, the Foundation helps Ukrainians who suffered from enemy shelling of residential areas. In particular, such help includes medical treatment, rehabilitation, psychological assistance, etc.

If you or someone you know needs help, write to the Foundation’s messenger or call the toll-free hotline 0 800 509 001 (the telephone line operates from Monday to Friday).