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Support and unity for Mariupol community: families from Mariupol received new housing in Dnipro, equipped by Rinat Akhmetov Foundation


More than 200 families of Mariupol residents living in Dnipro received the keys to new apartments in the social housing project I’Mariupol. Housing project, which Rinat Akhmetov Foundation joined at the pilot stage. The Foundation took over the arrangement of common areas, children's and playrooms. This summer, people moved into the second renovated and modernised dormitory, which the Foundation helped to equip. The second stage of settlement took place on the eve of the Independence Day of Ukraine.

"Rinat Akhmetov Foundation has been systematically helping Mariupol residents all over Ukraine and clearly understands how acute the problem of temporary housing is. Currently, the Foundation is one of the main Ukrainian donors of the I’Mariupol. Housing project. We are very pleased to participate in the new stage of the project's development," said Mykhailo Katerynchak, Project Manager of Rinat Akhmetov Foundation.

It is not just about furnishing rooms with furniture, appliances and toys, but about creating favourable conditions for people to communicate, interact and support each other, thus preserving a valuable centre of the Mariupol community.

The houses that the Foundation helps to equip are inhabited by people with IDP status, large families, families of children with disabilities, single mothers, as well as families with minors and pensioners.

"We managed to create a high-quality social facility. People are at its centre, and the necessary conditions for comfortable living have been created around it. We are currently carrying out repairs in 5 more buildings in Dnipro, and we plan to scale up the project and expand it to several more cities in Ukraine," said Vadym Boichenko, Mayor of Mariupol.

Rinat Akhmetov Foundation systematically supports the residents of Mariupol by sending humanitarian aid to the I’Mariupol centres across the country. This includes food and hygiene kits, heaters, psychological help, as well as gifts and holidays for children.