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A new home for Mariupol residents: Rinat Akhmetov Foundation arranged modern dormitories for IDRs from the city of Mariia


While their native Mariupol is under temporary enemy occupation, internally displaced people from Mariia's city are forced to live elsewhere. Rinat Akhmetov Foundation provides them with systematic assistance. Last year, the Foundation joined the temporary housing project for Mariupol residents, “I'Mariupol. Housing”, helping to equip modernised dormitories for them. 127 residents moved into the first house. The project has been successful and continues: the Foundation has recently taken part in constructing the next building. 

“This is a project of the Mariupol City Council to provide the most vulnerable internally displaced people from Mariupol with decent temporary housing. With the support of international donors - the French government is now the main one, Ukrainian donors - the main one is Rinat Akhmetov Foundation, Ukrainian central and regional authorities, as well as the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, we are transforming dormitories into modern temporary social housing for Mariupol residents,” says Natalia Yemchenko, member of the Supervisory Board of Rinat Akhmetov Foundation.

The project is currently being implemented in Dnipro on the basis of modernised and renovated dormitories of Ukrainian universities. The dormitory, which has recently been renovated, is a 10-storey building.

Rinat Akhmetov Foundation helped to equip common areas, including children's rooms, coworking spaces, lounges, halls and corridors, household appliances for laundries and kitchens, computer equipment, furniture, children's toys and goods, as well as books for the mini-library. A playground is planned to be built near the dormitory with the support of the Foundation.

There are plans to build houses in other cities of Ukraine. Applications for temporary housing are collected by Mariupol City Council through the I'Mariupol centres.

Rinat Akhmetov Foundation supports IDPs from Mariupol across Ukraine: it sends food and hygiene kits, provides psychological help, and holds holidays with gifts for children.

Since 2014, the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation, SCM businesses, and Shakhtar Football Club have provided assistance to over 18 million people.
The support and cooperation continue. Follow the news about Rinat Akhmetov Foundation's assistance at