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International Charity Day: help for adults and children of Ukraine from Rinat Akhmetov Foundation


The world celebrates the International Day of Philanthropy today, September 5, to raise awareness of charitable activities, remind people of the importance of helping those in need and encourage the participation of individuals, organisations and communities in charitable giving.

For over 19 years, Rinat Akhmetov Foundation has been helping people in Ukraine, directing its support to the most vulnerable categories of citizens. Charity is the ability to hear and share someone else's pain - a philosophy that Rinat Akhmetov laid down when he created the Foundation and is shared by everyone in the team. In the most difficult times, despite the challenges, risks and dangers, the Foundation supports those who need help.

Helping the people of Ukraine during the war remains a key focus and challenge. Over the 30 months of the full-scale invasion, SCM businesses, Rinat Akhmetov Foundation and Shakhtar football club have already allocated UAH 10 billion ($284 million) to help the country, the military and civilians.

As part of Rinat Akhmetov Saving Lives programme, the Foundation has provided over 13 million food packages and about 800,000 medical kits and equipment to Ukrainians. More than 73 thousand people received psychological help from the Foundation, and almost 51 thousand people received targeted assistance. The Foundation also provides rehabilitation for adults and children who have been injured in the war. Since 2014, more than 11,000 Ukrainians have received treatment and rehabilitation assistance.

As part of Rinat Akhmetov to Children programme, more than 5 million children received support from the Foundation, more than 1 million of them received gifts and greetings as part of the New Year's Campaign, more than 10 thousand children found new families as part of No to Orphanhood! project, almost 5,000 children had a rest, improved their health and received psychological assistance under the Peaceful Recreation for Children of Ukraine project, more than 230 children received modern hearing aids under I Can Hear Now project, 154 children underwent rehabilitation after injuries under Rehabilitation of Injured Children project.

Rinat Akhmetov Foundation is one of the main Ukrainian donors of I'Mariupol housing social project for Mariupol residents. The first phase of apartments in the dormitory buildings has been completed and 127 IDPs have moved in. More than 200 more families have recently moved into another renovated apartment block. The Foundation took over the arrangement of common areas.

If you or your loved ones need help, please call the Foundation's toll-free hotline 0 (800) 509 001 or write to the Foundation's messenger