Leadership, or the importance of the right things. BLOG by Roman Rubchenko, director of Rinat Akhmetov Foundation

Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things. So Peter Drucker, the contemporary management guru, defined the concept of leadership.
This means that the leader’s top priority is not only the construction of clear schemes and systems that work as a coordinated clockwork. The main thing in leadership is the focus on people, the achievement of ambitious goals for the benefit of the society.
It was such ambitious goals - helping people, saving lives – that were set for the team of Rinat Akhmetov Foundation. And this team managed to achieve the unique results for our country.
The fact that the Foundation topped the rating of Ukrainian personalized charitable organizations is natural, honourable and much obliging.
But the main result of the work is the salvation of more than a million lives.
The word “unique” is a distinctive sign of the Foundation's many undertakings. During the war, a unique mechanism of the delivery and the humanitarian aid quality review was created from scratch. beginning from the purchase of goods to the delivery of a package with a survival kit personally into the recipient’s hands. Since the outbreak of hostilities, about 12 million of such packages have been issued on both sides of the contact line.
To prevent starvation in the front-line settlements where it is impossible to organize fixed distribution centers, the mobile volunteer teams travel to the “grey zone”. They deliver products to places rarely reached by other missions, where there is no one else to rely on. For example, Peski settlement. In early February, volunteers brought help there again, because those 12 people who stayed to live in this deserted front-line village are waiting and hoping that they have not been forgotten. And we can not let them down. In February alone the mobile teams will provide assistance to 45 such settlements.
Focusing on people, on achieving ambitious goals - saving people from hunger, saving their lives, the Foundation has created completely new schemes and systems and accumulated a unique experience which it is ready to share. The experience that was already been taken interested in and was highly appreciated by such major organizations as the UNO and the International Red Cross.
To paraphrase the guru of management, having given the top priority to the right thing, the Foundation created a mechanism to do it right, for the sake of people.