Heart disease medications for Donbas civilians: who can receive this aid?

1,400 civilians from Donetsk and Makiivka were provided with heart disease medications from Rinat Akhmetov Humanitarian Center during seven months of this program operation.
The non-government-controlled territories of Donetsk region are observing a critical situation with medications supply over the last months: state programs are not working, supplies of medications to pharmacy networks have reduced, and civilians, who are not paid their pensions and social payments, cannot afford medications at high prices.
Due to the critical situation, by the decision of Rinat Akhmetov, the Humanitarian Center is implementing the program on providing peaceful residents of Donetsk and Makiivka, who suffer cardiovascular diseases, with necessary medications. These cities, according to the data of the Humanitarian Center, observe one of the most difficult situations in medications supply.
"Today the main goal of the Humanitarian Center is to help Donbas civilians, who suffer a difficult situation. The cardio program is aimed for people of middle age and older citizens, who are staying in the area of military actions. It is hard for them to handle all the difficulties that they had to face during this challenging period for Donbas. With approach of spring, exacerbation of diseases may occur. That is why assistance with medications that stabilize cardio-vascular diseases is very relevant and timely", – Irina Temerko, Head of Targeted Assistance Direction at Rinat Akhmetov Humanitarian Center, shared.
Who can receive heart disease medications from the Humanitarian Center and in what cases?
Assistance with medications after serious cardio surgeries or diseases (for example, infarction, blood stroke, heart surgery during the last 6 months).
Request for assistance within this direction can be submitted via Humanitarian Center's hotline by all residents of Donetsk and Makiivka, who suffered a stroke or had a heart attack over the last six months. Diagnosis shall be confirmed by doctor's medical report with a list of necessary medications.
Pharmaceutical care is provided in potential stroke condition or preinfarction syndrome (unstable angina; progressing effort angina; hypertensive crisis; third degree hypertension).
Diagnosis shall be confirmed by doctor's medical report with a list of necessary medications. The applications, coming through calls on Humanitarian Center's hotline, are reviewed only from those categories of applicants, who have one of the aforementioned diagnoses with proving documents, and doctor's prescription for these medications to treat the diagnosis:
- Disabled people of the 1st and the 2nd category (upon availability of document proving the disability);
- Retired disabled people of the 1st and the 2nd category (upon availability of document proving the disability category);
- World War II veterans;
- Multi-child families with 3 and more children under 18 (upon availability of proving documents).
- Single mothers or widows with children under 18 (upon availability of proving documents).
- Families, who appeared in difficult life circumstances.
You can find more details on how to be provided with heart disease medications from Rinat Akhmetov Humanitarian Center on our website in "Online Help" sector or via the hotline: 0800 509 001.