The Rinat Akhmetov Foundation Launches a Campaign for Teenagers Your Superprofession

A contest for boarding schoolers Your Superprofession begins in Ukraine. Its participants can also be children who find themselves in difficult life circumstances, and children from low-income and socially disadvantaged families. The age category of the contest is from 13 to 18 years.
The terms of the contest are simple. First, you need to subscribe to the Foundation’s Facebook and Instagram social network accounts, as well as to the page of the project Your Superpower on the Foundation’s YouTube channel.
Watch all episodes of the first season of the educational series Your Superprofession, choose your favourite profession and fill out the questionnaire under this episode.
Applicants also need to add an essay on the topic “My future profession” or “My dream profession” to their questionnaires. It should contain answers to the following questions:
- Why do you like this profession?
- Who is an example for you in this profession?
- Who inspired you to choose this profession?
- What do you intend to achieve in life and in your chosen profession?
The essay should be at least one page of printed text in Times New Roman font size 12.
Post your essay on your Facebook or Instagram page with the hashtag #ТвояСуперпрофесіяКонкурс (#YourSuperprofessionContest) together with #ФондРінатаАхметова (#RinatAkhmetovFoundation).
The winners of the contest will receive nice and useful gifts. And the main prize is an internship (on-job training) with a representative of a profession (to be chosen by the winner).
And don’t forget to share this information with your friends and acquaintances!
The series Your Superprofession has been produced in the framework of the project Rinat Akhmetov for Children. Your Superpower. This is a series of motivational meetings of famous and successful people with boarding school students. The aim of the project is to help children who were left without parental care discover talents that would empower them to be successful and happy. In essence, the series is about a new remote or online format of the project. Your Superprofession is primarily aimed at boys and girls who need to take more effort in this life to become successful.
This is not the first activity within the framework of the initiative Your Superprofession. Thus, previously the Foundation organized a master class with a professional confectioner for a pupil from one of the boarding schools of Donetsk region