«Допомога — це внесок у наші життя»: мешканці прифронтової Курахівки отримали проднабори від Фонду Ріната Ахметова
The contact line is very close to Kurakhivka in the Donetsk region - fierce shelling is taking place here every day. But more than a thousand people remain in this settlement. Despite the significant danger, the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation is systematically helping the residents of the frontline areas. The Foundation has recently delivered food packages to Kurakhivka.
"Rinat Akhmetov helped us even before the full-scale invasion. And he is not leaving this work now. Of course, we really need help here," says Iryna Funtikova, the village head.
Volunteer Mykola Osychenko, the Foundation's ambassador and Head of Mariupol TV, emphasises that civilian Ukrainians live in Kurakhivka, and it is very important for the Foundation to support them in difficult times.
"Thank you very much. This is a significant contribution to our lives. Unfortunately, we have no income, and we really need the food aid," said Elnara, a resident and IDP from Donetsk.
Since the start of the full-scale war, the Foundation has sent more than 350,000 food packages to residents of the Donetsk region and those who have temporarily evacuated from the region.
Since 2014, the Foundation has provided 13 million food packages to Ukrainians. The assistance is provided under the Rinat Akhmetov - Saving Lives programme.
For advice on the conditions for receiving aid, please call the Foundation's toll-free hotline at 0 (800) 509 001 or write to the Foundation's messenger: http://m.me/AkhmetovFDU.