Donbas children keep receiving help from charitable organizations

Every eighth child in Ukraine has suffered from military actions in the East of the country - according to the Authorized Representative of the President of Ukraine on Children's Rights.
According to Mykola Kuleba, 600,000 children live in the territory of Donbas, which is uncontrolled by the government, 100,000 children live in the front-line zone. Other 250,000 boys and girls are internally displaced. Such children need support first.
On the territory of Ukraine there are organizations that provide assistance to the war-affected children from Donetsk and Luhansk regions, as well as from families of internally displaced persons. The largest and the most active among them are the Red Cross Society of Ukraine, UNICEF, Doctors Without Borders, Save the Children, Caritas Ukraine and others.
Rinat Akhmetov Humanitarian Center also continues to support the injured. Under the project "Rehabilitation of injured children", which has been in operation since March 2016, 80 war-affected Donbas children have received assistance. 71 of them underwent a course of rehabilitation treatment in health centers, 9 more were provided with technical means for recovery and medications.
"The Humanitarian Center helps children from the front-line zone, regardless of where they live. Most of the boys and girls - 84.5% - come from Donetsk region. 15.5% are from Luhansk region", says Iryna Temerko, the head of "Targeted Assistance" program of Rinat Akhmetov Humanitarian Center.
According to the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union, during the war in Donbas 88 children were killed.