100 truck convoys with survival kits have been sent to Donbas by Rinat Akhmetov Humanitarian Center

The 100th convoy delivering food products from Rinat Akhmetov Humanitarian Center started for Donbas on September 21 in the morning. 50,000 survival kits will be delivered to the logistic centre at Donbas Arena and aimed for civilians living in non-government-controlled areas.
The convoy consists of 21 heavy-duty trucks, delivering 420 tons of food products. "The 100th convoy is delivering food products to Donbas that will be used to form 50,000 survival kits. Over the year of Humanitarian Center's operation, more than 60,000 tons of food were delivered to logistic centres of Donetsk and Mariupol. To send this volume 3,090 heavy-duty trucks were needed. During this period the humanitarian aid was issued to the residents of 221 settlements and 21 districts in Donbas on both sides of the contact line", – Oleksandr Vyshniakov, Director of "Humanitarian Aid" direction at Rinat Akhmetov Humanitarian Center, shared.
The truck convoy has the full package of documents, legalized in compliance with all norms and procedures, according to the current legislation of Ukraine, and confirming the cargo content and the quality of products. There was also the order of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine on recognition of this cargo as humanitarian.
As of September 21, 2015, the Humanitarian Center's volunteers issued 4,541,000 adult survival kits and 332,000 children packages.