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Eteri Zhdanova

By the age of 67, I had to go through the most difficult trials in the fight for my health and the health of my family members. I was first faced with cancer when my mother fell ill. She was diagnosed with colorectal cancer. When I was 56, this disease affected me personally – I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. Then my daughter was diagnosed with breast cancer. I knew that I could not give up. It was then that I began to study the rehabilitation of people with similar diagnoses. However, I was disappointed. At that moment, I was convinced that this type of assistance was virtually missing in our country. Therefore, at the age of 61, I entered the university in order to master the qualification of Physical Rehabilitation. The theme of my thesis is Physical Rehabilitation of Breast Cancer Patients. In addition, I began to devote much more time to my health. At the age of 65, I became the winner of the international stage of the Nordic Walking World Cup in my age category. Do not give up either!