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“Ukraine Will Win and Prosper”: 10-Year-Old Sviatoslav From Chernihiv Participated in the Blogger Camp From the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation


Ten-year-old Sviatoslav Chaus spent 36 days in the occupation with his parents and one-year-old brother in a village 15 kilometres from his hometown, Chernihiv. They hid in the cellar, staying almost without any food. His mother ground some grain and, despite the danger, went out to get some milk for the baby. Every time, the boy was afraid that she would not return. After their survival experience, Sviatoslav became a participant in the summer session of the Blogger Camp from the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation, where he rested, recovered, learned some new things, and worked with psychologists.

“For me, occupation means when a country wants to take over another country without having the right to do so. On a 12-point scale, it is scary for me to 11 or even 12 points,” says the boy.

Sviatoslav shared his story with Oleksiy Sukhanov, an actor, TV presenter, and the ambassador of the Museum of Civilian Voices of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation. The evening when a massive shelling of Chernihiv suddenly began was terrible for the boy. It seemed that the city would be turned into a desert... At that time, a rocket hit their city house. Despite everything, the boy supported his parents, and they supported him.

“I told my mum not to worry. I told her that everything would be over. We would win. My mum and dad also tried to put me at ease. They said that our military were very strong, and that we would win,” says Sviatoslav.

It was very dangerous to go out for milk, but the boy’s mother went for it and waited in the queue. While waiting for his mum, Sviatoslav cheered himself up with some rhymes that he composed. One day, an armoured personnel carrier drove by the woman and Russian soldiers started to shoot into the air from a machine gun... Everything worked out well then, but the boy recalls another scary moment.

“We were staying in the cellar. My mum said, “If I am gone, if we go to long rest... promise me that you will not leave your brother.” I understood what she was talking about,” Sviatoslav shares his story with tears in his eyes.

Fortunately, the family was able to leave and make it to a safe place. Sviatoslav is sure that Ukrainians have high morale for Victory. The boy knows for sure that his home country is and will be independent and will definitely be prospering. 

Sviatoslav’s story is available at the link

The Blogger Camp is a children’s recreation camp organized by the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation. Here, children improve their health, rest, and learn some blogger skills. Experienced psychologists from the Foundation and professionals from the media sector work closely with them. Kids get bright impressions, socialize a lot, and spend time in the fresh air. The participants of the camp session bring back home good memories, new dreams, and hopes. 

We remind our readers that the registration for the new autumn session of the camp is open. The details can be found at the link

In the framework of the project Rinat Akhmetov for Children. Peaceful Rest for Children of Ukraine almost 5,000 children from all over the country have received opportunity for health improvement and professional psychological help.