More than 1,500 residents of Donetsk and Makiivka are provided with heart disease medications. How to file an application?
1,616 civilians of Donetsk and Makiivka older than 40 received heart disease medications as part of "Targeted Assistance" program of Rinat Akhmetov Humanitarian Center. Acceptance of applications and issuance of medications will continue until the end of the year.
"The Humanitarian Center provides heart disease medications to civilians older than 40. Through the number of applications we can see the high demand for drugs because of severe living conditions and seasonal exacerbations of cardiovascular diseases. That is why we included sedatives in our medical kits as well. The medications are taken to non-government-controlled areas by volunteers in the amount that is allowed to carry across the contact line. Some of recipients come to pick their medications themselves. But elderly people, that are unable to leave their houses, have the medications and food packages delivered to their homes by our mobile volunteers", ‒ Iryna Temerko, the Head of Targeted Assistance at the Humanitarian Center, shared.
According to Iryna, the Humanitarian Center's specialists continue accepting applications and forming the base of needs in medications according to the requests. The issuance will continue until the end of 2015.
Rinat Akhmetov Humanitarian Center is searching for the ways to deliver medications to non-government-controlled areas. The follow-up letter was sent to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, asking whether there is a license required for issuance of humanitarian medications in non-government-controlled areas.
Who and how can get heart disease medications from Rinat Akhmetov Humanitarian Center?
- Request for assistance within this direction can be submitted by all residents of Donetsk and Makiivka, who suffered a stroke or had a heart attack in 2014-2015. Diagnosis shall be confirmed by doctor's medical report with a list of necessary medications.
- Pharmaceutical care in potential stroke condition or preinfarction syndrome (unstable angina; progressing effort angina; hypertensive crisis; third degree hypertension). The applications are accepted only from residents of Donetsk and Makiivka older than 40, who have one of the aforementioned diagnoses, confirmed by doctor's medical report.
To be provided with heart disease medications, please leave your application via the Humanitarian Center's toll-free hotline 0800 509 001 and wait for a call from our employee, who will give you information on what documents shall be prepared and where the medications can be received.